2010年5月23日 星期日



請以以下任何一種方法通知我們你的名字,聯絡資料, 所選的課堂及上課時間至:

1. Facebook 訊息: 將Mag Kitchen 加盟為朋友及以此轉達 訊息

2. 電郵: 電郵至 magkitchen@gmail.com

3. 致電: 致電 853-62037887

星期一至五: 下午二時至七時
星期六至日: 下午二時至七時


Application Method
Please send us your basic information (name and contacts), preferable class and dates selection by either of the below methods.

1. by Facebook Message: Add Mag Kitchen to your friends’ list and send us message
2. by Email: Send to magkitchen@gmail.com
3. by Phone: Call 853-62037887; please note our staff is only available at below hours:
Monday to Friday 2pm – 7pm
Saturday to Sunday 2pm – 7pm

Upon receipt of your application, we would send a confirmation if class is available。