一顆好的巧克力有多層次的口感和口味,要做出一顆有層次感的巧克力好不容易,這次MagKitchen到歐洲遊歷後回來第一課,正是請來瑞士蘇黎世的Michel Kneubuehler 分享及教授如何巧妙地處埋巧克力以及做一些長相特別, 多層次的傳統巧克力 ,在一連2天的課程裏從淺入深議解怎麼處理巧克力及教授大家親自做出一些瑞士巧克力。
Michel Kneubuehler 從少就受到這巧克力故鄉的薰陶,對巧克力要求很高,所以不斷報讀專業巧克力學院的課,更與國際巧克力大師傅學藝,更把自已獨有的巧克力製作工具放背包上,到不同國家遊歷把家鄉獨有優勢宣揚出去。
Michel Kneubuehler 這次就只會在亞洲停留一個星期,我們有幸請到他過來澳門教課,對甜點有濃厚興趣的同學或是Chocolate
Lover, 不要錯過這次機會啦。
1. 什麼是巧克力,它的由來及歷史
2. 什樣正確處理巧克力?
3. 如何做tempering 巧克力
4. 自己動手制作champagne truffles
5. 導師示範幾款不同味道的松露巧克力
6. 自己動手制作 Florentiner
日期及時間 : 9 June 及10 June 2012, 一連两天由下午二時至四時。
學費 : 每人MOP1880.-
語言 : 英語 (廣東話及國語翻譯)
上課地點 :
Mag Kitchen
“The Home Town
of Chocolate” - Swiss – Chocolate making class
Swiss’ fanaticism to chocolate is not groundless – as you
can see how an average Swiss can treat themselves with 22 kilos of chocolate
every year, which is a triple to that of a French; More than that, you can find
chocolate store in your every 5 steps! This fanaticism, going hand in hand with
the Swiss nationalistic trait of choosiness and stubbornness towards quality,
has laid the ground for the numerous chocolate experts, and that Switzerland as
“The Home Town of Chocolate”.
A good piece of chocolate will bring texture and flavor in
multiple levels, not for all chocolate makers. For this, in the first class of
Mag Kitchen - after returning from her cooking trip in Europe -
will have Michel Kneubuehler from Zurich of Switzerland, to come and teach us
how to make special looking and "rebellious" chocolate. In this
coming 2 days, by shallow into the deep, he will show us how to take care of
them and how to make one of Swiss origin.
Michel Kneubuehler, bringing up in this chocolate culture
and being a choosy chocolate critic, he did not stop taking professional
chocolate courses at academy nor taking an apprenticeship with international
chocolate master. Last but not the least, he knapsacks his unique chocolate
production tools and travels around the world, like an international chocolate
ambassador, to promote the matchless merits of the home town. Mr. Michel
Kneubuehler will stay in Asia for one week, and with pleasure he had accepted
our invitation to come for a class in Macao, here is the opportunity for our dessert
fanatic classmates or chocolate lover, so DON’T miss it!
Content of Class:
1. Introduction of Chocolate
2. How to deal with chocolate?
3. Tempering of Couverture chocolate
4. Making of champagne truffles all by your own
5. Demonstration of truffles in different flavor
6. Making of Florentiner (Italian biquits with dark
converture) all by your own
Date and Time : 9 June and 10 June 2012
2 consecutive days starting from 2pm to
Tuition Fee : MOP1880.-/ per person
Language :
English (with
Cantonese and Mandarin translation)
Venue : Mag Kitchen
Each class consists around 12 students. Our apology that we can only take email
applications at the moment, if your are interested in the above course, kindly email
your name and contact number to magkitchen@gmail.com